Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I recently found out I am ADHD/HFA at age 49. Struggled all my life to understand why I never felt like I fit in, I was the wierd/strange one. Now I understand why - I am neurodiverse (ND)! Suddenly I found I fit in with a type of person where my wierd self is considered normal. I encourage anyone who has always felt like the little black duck to look into the same possiblity of ADHD/ASD themselves because it's a life changing realisation to find out the reason for feeling "less than" [everyone else] because I was different, up until now. NOW I love every odd part that makes me, me. I see a common thread in the comments on this letter and have a pretty good feeling that many of you are also ND and we'd all be very good friends if we ended met!

Jessica, have been reading your letters on and off for years, first time I've responded. Not because nothing rang true before, but because I saw myself in you and although I was comforted by your words, you said it all and there was no need to add to what was already beautifully written. I write now with the hope my story will strike a note with you and your readers, that there is a reason for being different and that it's as normal as being neurotypical. Please continue to be your wonderful, weird self!!!

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thank you so much for sharing Andrea. I'm really curious to hear how the diagnosis process was for you? I've recently been convinced my mum is ADHD and I see a lot of the symptoms in myself too, except the physical side of things, but definitely in terms of brain. I'm just so pleased to hear you sounding so grounded in your true self and accepting yourself too xx

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

As I've gotten older (i will be 60 in a few months) I felt I've embraced my weirdness, I don't mind what people think of me or how I act, which is like a big child most of the time, but that's the true me, and I finally feel comfortable been just ME, instead of blushing and hiding myself away.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Lovely to hear :)

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

“It takes courage but being our beautiful weird imperfect selves it’s the best way to be, because to be authentic we can’t be anything else.” This... 💕

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so pleased it spoke to you xx

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Great quote :)

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Thank you for this, just what I needed to read this morning! Right, now I'm off to be weird 😊💚

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ha ha you go for it Toni! x

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

It wasn't until I reached my early 30s before I embraced my inner weirdo. Now I'm in my early 40s there's no stopping me from being me and I'm finally happy in my own skin, but do feel sad for the old me always trying to fit in. It's definitely a journey x

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woohoo! this put a big smile on my face x

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I was always the weirdo/odd one at school too, and if I ever forgot it I was reminded of it by my peers pretty quickly! But it didn't bother me, I usually took it as a good sign, as I believe being different and independent demonstrates creativity and courage. Lovely post!

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it is a good sign! I feel like when we're young all we want to do is be like everyone else and we're shunned for the alternative but the weird is exactly where we should be heading towards

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Second attempt, without typos. I was just about to start worrying that my choice of nose stud wasn't quite 'right' so thank you for this. From one weirdo to another.

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As long as it’s right for you that’s all that matters 💕

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Thank you for your well expressed, encouraging words, Jessica. The sooner we step into our individual selves with love and acceptance, the less we will care about how others see us. The intimacy we crave is, at times, one with ourselves; to appreciate and approve of who we are and who we are becoming. To me, this is self love! Your reminder made my day. ❤️

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love every single word of this comment. Thank you! And you're so welcome xx

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Hi Jessica,

You’ve touched on so many points and I agree on all of them!

I’ve always been fascinated how people ‘follow’ and ‘do’ what everyone else does, it’s quite scary really.

When you mentioned your holiday in Ibiza it made me realise that, that’s what life is like everywhere around us! (I hope you get what I mean! 😂)

Thank you for this wonderful article, it’s empowering and fills me with joy as I love it when people are purely themselves!

Louisa 😊

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I found this article very interesting. I remembering being weird. It was a long time ago. After I had my first baby I think I put the sillyness away. I've locked myself in my house & sometimes I go do yard work. I can see myself being silly in my head. I can't let it out for fear I will feel like an idiot. I don't even dance in my house, it feels weird.

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