Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I just turned 53 years old and although I don’t look anything like Jennifer Lopez or Jen Aniston (whom are the same age), I feel I have learned to love myself and appreciate my body as it is. I learned to care for it with organic food and some yoga, which makes me feel great. I feel sorry for those women that seemed to have the perfect bodies all their lives because they may have a more difficult time accepting age and try to fight time.

I think Coco Channel once said “you can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life” and that is my plan. How will I do it? By being my authentic self.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Double yes!!

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amen to that. I'm feeling the mid 50's squeeze and and put myself on the road to make the most of what still is to come

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Exciting stuff!

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

If I could, I would wrap my 50 year old arms around you and I’d tell you that you have it all already. The only person that judges you so harshly is you. It’s like the spot that you think looks like a barnacle on your chin and nobody else noticed it.

Let the angst go… just be you and enjoy you warts and all. There will always be stresses, ups and downs, but life is short and statistically you have more ahead of you than behind you, so embrace the beauty that you have in abundance right now because it will fade, you will still be beautiful, but it’s different - believe me I know - enjoy it now, today, this minute.

Embrace opportunity, friendship and every scrap of fun because it’s what makes the not so nice stuff that life also throws at us bearable.

Excuse the cliché, but we really are all uniquely enough x

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I had my two children young (22/23) and I always felt like the outsider for being a young mum/not doing things in the "right" order. I turned 40 last year and it was the most liberating feeling, suddenly realised none of it matters and I actually don't care what other people think about me. My children are leaving for university now and I've decided I'm going to go to university too and retrain as a Social Worker. There aren't really any rules, we can make up our own narrative and do things at whatever stage of life we want to. I look back and I wouldn't change any of it except the caring what other people think xx

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

The forties are such a dynamic decade, and the perfect time for this type of reinvention. Enjoy every second, Bryony.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I'm feeling this right now, I'm turning 36 in a fortnight and although I am soooo happy with where I am I feel the pressure of not ageing too quickly. I have lots of white hairs, I'm trying not to dye them, I see the women around me making the choice to fill, plump, be super fit and I feel alone and naive in my choice to try to age gracefully. X

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I think you're correct that we are judged very much on our looks and our age, in a different way to men. I am in my late 50s, and it is something of a relief to not hold myself to any societal standards and wear what I like, do what I like, go where I like.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

All I can say is appreciate your youth now. I look back to my 30s and I can’t believe how hard I was on myself. Physically and mentally, I was the best I’ve ever been, but I certainly didn’t feel that at the time. Hindsight is great, but it’s too late. Know what you have NOW!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Turned 35 yesterday - so timely for me! Somehow I'm a geriatric would-be mother while still wondering if I want to become one?!

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Me too (34 but close enough) <3

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

You asked women who’ve passed through your life stage to comment. I’m 25 years past where you are, and the way life zips by, it seems like day before yesterday. I want to tell you that you have so much to look forward to. So much beauty and wonder, learning and growth wait out there for you. Always seek personal authenticity, stay true to yourself. Listen to your gut, and trust it. Imagine the kind of person you want to be when you’re older, and find people you admire to spend time with. Aim high, smile at yourself when you undershoot, and assess how you want to do it differently next time. Don’t make this too hard, it’s actually more simple when you strip away the noise and live your authenticity. Set your goals, and then be in the moment, make the best choices you have right in front of you. You’ve got this.

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I totally feel this. I’ll soon be three years away from 30 and I’m nowhere near having my life figured out.

But I’m starting to feel at peace with that. I’m okay not having my life figured out by a certain age. Because if I do, what else is there to learn, to experience? I guess feeling stagnant is a bigger fear than mapping out my life.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I’m over 60, and have learned that no matter how much you have it figured out, there is still more to learn. Things sort of unfold in front of you all the time. It’s the people who stop wanting to learn and grow (at any age) who become stagnant and stiff, and lose their vitality.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Fabulous wisdom 😊

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Love that. Thank you so much, I really appreciate your wisdom. 😊🥰

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Amen! I turn 34 in a month & I feel everything you said.

I agree that it's all a perspective thing... on one hand I am single, alone, have a unstable job, live in a trailer on my Dad's property & don't have a sure future... or I could see it like: I have so much freedom because I'm single, independent, I work for myself in a creative job, I live in a tiny-house trailer on the edge of a beautiful lake in the woods & my like can take me anywhere.

Thanks for the reminder!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I'm in my mid-twenties, and I definitely feel this!! Suddenly it seems like I have a handful of years to figure everything out. So refreshing to read this Simple Letter!!

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Oof!! I feel so much of this. Thank you for sharing Jessica 💕

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

As I see it, I'm somewhere in the teen years of my adulthood. I've been doing this adulting thing (apparently) for 16 years now. Time for the awkward teenage years and more figuring it out based on where I am now and who I am now.

Trying to give yourself freedom in your own life can feel so hard sometimes though. I often feel like I repeatedly screaming 'no! I don't want this' into the void of should. It's worth the effort though to be able to call your life your own.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I loved this and could identify with it so much. I feel like I didn’t enjoy my 20s and wasted it on crappy men and situations, so I feel an intense pressure to love my 30’s and do all those amazing things I’ve been pinning on Pinterest for the last 10 years... This really helped thank you 🤍

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Jess, I love this! Thanks and diolch! X

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

This hit so hard! Thank you Jessica 😘🤍

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