Jun 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I’m the same as you. I want the good stuff but I can’t figure out a way to silence the ads & promotional stuff. I follow only a small number of people now (curated my feed) but that means Insta clogs it up with ads and posts from people I don’t follow! It’s so frustrating. I don’t know what to do with it. I’m torn!

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Sooooooo frustrating! The more you train it with liking / hiding / not interested the more it will learn BUT I get not wanting to do that because we just want it to be simple and show us the goodies

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there is a tab where you can see only who you follow or those you have marked as favourites but sadly you need to click on it each time you go into the app to silence all the ads and you might like noise.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I have followed you since before your divorce and have watched you come on leaps and bounds. You should be so proud. I am a year older than you and now remarried to a wonderful man. Things settled down but we have to learn to live with some anxieties x

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I came off all social media about 5 years ago following a divorce. This relieved so much anxiety at the time, and also allowed me space to remove the toxic people from my life. However it still fills be with so much anxiety that it’s prevented me opening my own business that I have spent years working towards. I have a great job in the same field but I can’t make the leap because of my fear x

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My mum has just done exactly the same and I’ve NEVER wanted to disappear from the internet more than when I split with my ex so I totally understand that feeling. You can build businesses without it but it’s also such a great tool to help your right people find you. Can you do it in secret away from everyone you ‘know’ under a business name??? Just an idea. My best tip for the business side is to imagine your ideal person and create just for them, pretend nobody else can see xx

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

This has really struck a chord! I broke up with my partner 3 months ago and I’ve noticed recently that Instagram has become very triggering for me. My explore page and suggested reels is full of dating self help and relationship coaches making me question whether I made the wrong decision or reaffirming that I made the right one and the constant cycle of “what if” it’s sparking is driving me crazy! I don’t think it’s exaggerating to say that the algorithm is keeping me stuck in a rumination cycle about my break up when all I really want to do is move on and find peace without any regret. You’ve inspired me to take a break and return to the app when I feel ready to tackle the algorithm and curate a feed that inspires and uplifts me instead of keeping me stuck. Thank you, Jess - it’s a relief to hear that it’s not only me who struggles with it! Xx

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I have listened to this one a few times (as I do with most of your writings; they bear repeating for reflection). I struggle with Instagram as well. I got off Facebook some years ago, and I never regretted it. That platform was too complicated. It felt hard to get a hold on and it felt too loud.

Instagram never felt that way to me before reels were introduced. It seems that around that time, Instagram has started to be more aggressive in every way and so much more complicated. I want to escape that!

However... I have found the neurodivergent community through Instagram, and it feels like it has saved my life. The queer community on there is also very lovely and educational and has helped me so, so much in my journey. And then there are all of the other friends and communities I have found on that media. And inspiration.

At the moment that seems to overshadow the bad, but the way Instagram aggressively and carelessly pushes sound, ads - just controls - and makes "half solutions" to seem like they still care... it infuriates me.

And I still have not found out what to do.

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