Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Take the pill continuously to not be bothered by your menstruation on your vacation ... ⁠

Organize to have your period the week to be able to make love during the weekend ... ⁠

Ask your friends to look at your buttocks to be sure that nothing had overflowed in your jeans ... ⁠

Being ashamed to feel sexual desire during your menstruation because "it is really disgusting" ... ⁠

If you recognize yourself in these claims, you are not alone ;)

For so many years, I was angry with my menstrual cycle which was a weight, an burden, an obstacle to my life. For a long time, I wanted to erase all traces of my menstruation. ⁠

And I ended up understanding. I changed my vision, I welcomed all the knowledge that my cycle had to teach me.⁠ I'm a cycle being and decided to follow the nature's rhythm :)

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I have learnt to listen to my body and what it needs each day. This has taken me a long time to learn and I'm so much happier. I've given up the high paying fast moving,demanding job for a slower pace where I'm my own boss and a lovely part time job to top up my "social" needs. No more rushing everywhere with no time to think or listen to my body. During my period I just see what my body needs and if that means slowing right down I do. I'm also learning I'm a homebody who loves being at home surrounded by peace and calm. Life is so much calmer now x

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Beautiful Jessica. I have recently read ‘do less’ by Kate northcott and wow it has changed my life. She talks about the female cycle of 28 days and explains that each week we have different energy levels to achieve different things. Now in my week on, I don’t fee guilty for resting. I plan my interior installs and social life around it now, knowing that my body knows best. In regards to life outside my cycle I have been in a period of growth for the past few years... with it gaining in momentum very recently. Next will come my seasons to sit within the growth I feel. I’m very knew to listening to my body and mind and allowing it the time and space it needs. I’ve realised I don’t need to be constantly running. Thank you for sharing your wise words and comparing ourselves to blossom trees - that really resonates. Sending love & rest to you in Paris from regional Australia 💛 Lis x

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This was a lovely read. I used to try to push through it all but have spent the last year learning and learning to listen to my body and now very much try to lean into each season and give myself what I actually need (which I definitely don't always succeed in but better to try than not!). I'm currently sat in my "Autumn" week - yoga and chocolate are absolute necessities right now!

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Great article really enjoyed that Jessica. I love writing about seasonal life shifts so this really resonates with me. I've just joined substack, so hello & hope to read more of your work soon.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

Jessica, do you take an iron pill each day while on your period? (65-70 mg once a day.) My wife used to feel like you described. I talked to a pharmacist and we decided it was worth a try. Made a big difference. Apparently quite a bit of iron passes through your period blood. And an iron pill is literally pennies a day, since it's generic and not an overpriced pharmaceutical.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose Williams

I totally agree, it takes time to get there but when we can acknowledge the truth of where we're at, life flows with so much more ease. I am someone who experiences extremes; high energy and super productive, or flat and exhausted and capable of very little. I fought it for so long. I tried to be 'consistent'. It only resulted in the exhaustion lasting much longer than necessary. Now, I love that I can give in, and my energy and inspiration swings back upwards so much more quickly as a result.

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