The Simple Letter

Combining my love of letter writing and storytelling with like minded hearts who want to curate a beautiful intentional life that’s true to who we are

The simple letter is a creation of mine which combines my love of letter writing, storytelling and connecting with like minded folk who want to curate a beautiful intentional life that’s true to who we are.

These emails are where I share letters filled with personal writing, often vulnerable but full of lessons I’m learning along my own unique path towards the life I want to live instead of the life I think I should. I’m incapable of keeping this stuff to myself, that wouldn’t be fair and I want everyone else to benefit. These letters are exclusively for the wholehearted community signed up to receive them.

The simple letter features personal essays from me, a narration of the letter as well as my popular monthly what’s ben adding value series featuring a list of books, articles, podcasts, films, beautiful things, beauty buys or anything else that’s been adding value to my life lately. I also use them as a way to let you know about recent vlogs, offers or events I think you’d like to know about.

I think of these letters as the column no editor will commission me for. They cover anything from ponderings on curating a minimalist wardrobe to the heartbreak of letting relationships go.

I feel privileged to have gained over 8,000 subscribers to these letters, with hundreds paying for the full experience, and even more privileged that people say they’re quite good.

More recently, as our community has grown, I’ve added masterclasses, thread chats and regular live events to the menu so I can hold space for us to connect on a deeper level and share as much value as possible.

Join the gang

Being part of the simple letter community means surrounding yourself with those who know how it feels to want a different kind of life, one that fulfils you, to connect on a human level and make this stuff happen. I know I’m biased but I truly believe this is a very special corner of the internet, full of positive wholesome energy, and it’s all thanks to those who support it. You in?

Things readers say about these letters

“Jessica’s newsletter is beautiful with pocketful of stories and inspirations that comes from her heart. I love reading her newsletter as it is often relatable, full of lessons learned on minimalism, simple living and reminds me that life is full of joy.”

— Hse Huey

“They are refreshing to read in a world where we are bombarded with everything and anything goes mentality. I myself subscribe to a handful to emails and the ones I do, I read and reflect upon and savour the message. There isn’t enough time to read it all, do it all, follow it all so what I have is important to me. Your message of simplicity and being conscious is what I like best, and above all you being authentic and real.”

— Iffat

“I love these letters, I feel so happy when one pops up in my inbox. Your honesty and authenticity over what you are currently working on or figuring  out, noticing in life etc, helps quiet my spirit – thank goodness for someone who is further down the road of minimalism but doesn’t have the know-it-all attitude that can make a reader feel so small. These are beautiful conversations that gently remind you to think about simplifying or noticing beauty in our everyday life. I love your work and your writing.”

— Rachel

Subscribe to The Simple Letter

The simple letter is a community of likeminded hearts striving to live the life we want to live instead of the life we think we should. This is where you'll find musings on simplifying life, slowing it down and taking the path that's truly ours.